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David East's Avatar'
David East DevRel Lead

Yesterday we announced new features in Project IDX

  • 📱 Android Emulator & iOS Simulator in browser

  • 💻 A template gallery ready for your new projects

  • 🐳 Docker in a single line of code

  • 🌎 AI in 15 new regions

  • ⚡ Instantly run CLI tools

⬇️ Here's a wrap up of everything you need to know

IDX Jan  SOcial
David East's Avatar'
David East DevRel Lead

Project IDX now comes with an Android Emulator and an iOS Simulator right in the browser.

You can now develop, debug, and test Flutter apps on real virtual devices side-by-side.

David East's Avatar'
David East DevRel Lead

Say hello to our new template gallery designed for exploration and customization. Want to get started with Tailwind and Astro? We got checkboxes for that.

There are so many templates to choose with more coming soon. Stay tuned.

Shoutout to @astrodotbuild for being awesome.

David East's Avatar'
David East DevRel Lead

All the fun isn't just for Flutter devs. Web devs can use the iOS Simulator to test web apps with live reload support.

David East's Avatar'
David East DevRel Lead

Docker support has been one of the top early feature requests from IDX users. We're happy to say that now a single line of config will set up the Docker daemon and Docker CLI.

If you're a Docker user, let me know, we'd love for you to give this a spin.

David East's Avatar'
David East DevRel Lead

One of the biggest requests we've received since launching is AI features in more countries. Well, we just launched IDX's AI features in 15 more!

🇦🇷 Argentina 🇦🇺 Australia 🇧🇩 Bangladesh 🇧🇷 Brazil 🇨🇦 Canada 🇨🇭 Chile 🇨🇴 Colombia 🇮🇱 Israel 🇮🇳 India 🇯🇵 Japan 🇰🇷 South Korea 🇲🇽 Mexico 🇵🇪 Peru 🇵🇰 Pakistan 🇸🇬 Singapore

IDX 15 Regions
David East's Avatar'
David East DevRel Lead

Looking to use a CLI tool but you haven't installed it yet? No worries. IDX will detect uninstalled tools and let you install them on the fly.

Oh and I love the backend ports UI. We keep track of the ports you spin up with buttons to open them in a new tab.

Autodetect Ports and Terminal Commands
David East's Avatar'
David East DevRel Lead

We're so excited with everything we've landed and we have so much planned for this year. If you're an IDX user or you want to be one, let me know. We'd love to hear your feedback.

Happy hacking everyone.